Monday, April 11, 2011

Lots of misc. pictures.

In no particular order...

A huge moth that made it's home on the sun room screen.

John and two of his friends working on building a fort out of cardboard boxes. Murphy being nosy!

My friend Jason's Haflinger team and sleigh.

Jason hates having his picture taken.

John Hunter

A cicada coming out of it's shell. Dale and John spent the summer collecting the shells so they could build a cicada army. YUCK!

Dale with his friends Joel and Tyler.

Before and after pictures from power washing the deck.


Dale and Tyler the day they went to pick up Tyler's motorcycle.

Dale and John (When John was still chief.)

Dale embarrassing Terry at his retirement party.

When the world was right, this is almost all the city and county officers. Also pictured are the Sheriff and one deputy from Clark County (where we reserve now), one of our troopers, and one of our judges.

Dale, mad at the tire for going flat.


Dale helping me with my belt before graduation.

John and Murphy laying on the floor.

Dale and I doing fingerprints for kids at our local store.

Dale, John, and Spitfire.

The Guinea pigs, Wibur and Arnold.

One of our busts!

Our great friend Don who passed away last year.

The horses....

Everything is starting to turn green. I can not wait for it all the leaves to be on the trees.


Two of my co-workers, Jarrod and Chester.

Jessie, Bo, and Sandman. (Sandman is one of my favorites!)

The cowboy hangout AKA the tack shed.

Indoor arena.

The winter coats are blowing. I can't believe how much I brushed out of Bo today!

My favorite for right now, Sandman after his grooming. Sandman is a Missouri Fox Trotter.